695, counterattack five

"My dharma" LiuXuan hurriedly called a.
His hands are full of glory and five seals. In front of his eyes, the two seals of burning chardonnay and falling thunder are dim. At first glance, it is a lack of aura, but it is also good that after several times of flames, Lei Long has made the two seals of Brahma and falling thunder no longer like the previous one. Although it is as aura-damaging, it still looks like it is not aura-deficient.
Liu Xuan didn’t try to mix a few seals with Taifa to make Tiancheng. He tried to mix Shui Mu with Taifa, which also caused a lot of damage to betraying zhaojie and others. However, if compared with the flame Lei Long, the power is not known.
This time, Liu Xuan’s Tianshan seal and Hai Yin’s cover are transferred out. Although they are not as tyrannical as thunder and fire, they are more angular and easier to shape than thunder and fire. He doesn’t know what effect they will have if they are combined.
It is also an attempt by Liu Xuan to fuse the golden fire and the golden fire. The result is obviously unexpected, and Lei Long is not influenced by Liu Xuan’s will. It seems that someone set the same thing a long time ago. When he fused the lightning and the fire to a certain extent, the flame Lei Long formed itself. Liu Xuan believes that this combination must be more than this.
As Liu Xuan extracts the soil and water from the two seals, the two spirits are mixed together. Although they are not as tyrannical as when Liu Xuan first merged with thunder and fire, they are also extremely unstable. Liu Xuan feels like holding a stone that may be fried at any time, and the biting chill is still revealed inside.
But after a while, Liu Xuan felt that the two spiritual forces seemed to be missing something, so he boldly injected the aura of flooding the cloud and printing wood again.
When Liu Xuan integrated the two kinds of reiki of water and soil, Hyderabad didn’t pay attention to Liu Xuan. Although he was just hit by Liu Xuan’s mountain-bumping technique, the damage caused by the third-order technique to him was limited. His biggest enemy was Emperor Mao, but Hyderabad jumped at Emperor Mao after he escaped. Now Hyderabad has lost the ability of ice and fire after losing two snakeheads, and now he has only the strength and speed of super monster beast, even the snake toxin. This makes people wonder whether Hyderabad toxin is also his ability because the snakehead didn’t grow.
Of course, these are still guesses, and no one can be sure of the authenticity of these things. Even though Hyderabad has a strong body, these are not just a martial god who can deal with the little emperor Mao. He has been suppressed by Hyderabad during the battle with Hyderabad.
However, it is not small that the real Liuxuan fuses and emits a horrible smell at two times, but Hydera didn’t pay attention to this side. When Liuxuan injected the third kind of wood aura, Hydera was still fighting, but she suddenly turned the snake head and stared at Liuxuan’s side.
In fact, Hyderabad heard Liuxuan ask the bodhi old zu Hu to help him protect the law. That is to say, Liuxuan has to prepare a quite powerful operation method, but Hyderabad didn’t put these things at ease. After all, Liuxuan is an ant of condensation order. All this was clearly sensed by Hyderabad. It seems that he was not the cause of Liuxuan’s previous heavy injury, but Liuxuan just hit him in the abdomen and pushed the bodhi old zu Tu to the throat. Otherwise, maybe the bodhi old zu Tu would blow himself up in the abdomen, and the result would be even more tragic. Yes, I don’t know. Even if the Tujia bodhi old zu chooses to blow himself up, Hydera’s self-confidence can suppress himself. But now it’s different. Of course, after repeated failures, Hydera’s self-confidence is greatly damaged. Now his two snakeheads are beheaded and one is bombed. Instead, he dares not swallow Xuandan’s spiritual practice for fear that the Hujia bodhi old zu will give him another fatal blow, which makes the Hujia bodhi old zu lose his life.
The bodhi old zu de gruyter was quite nervous. He just had a narrow escape. If it hadn’t been Hyderabad’s hesitation and Liu Xuan’s hitting the mountain, I’m afraid he would have been swallowed by Hyderabad by now. Now he is the only bodhi old zu left in the four big families. If he dies again, the four big families will gradually be forced out of the imperial city by its forces. He is not afraid of death, but he wants to give his grandchildren a seat, which is very similar to that of Emperor Mao. Both of them want to protect their descendants and grandchildren.
He and Hydera feel completely different. Hydera is not at ease about the two fusion methods, but he clearly feels that Liu Xuan’s hybrid method is powerful in front of him. Liu Xuan’s hybrid method is absolutely equivalent to the power of the fourth-order method, which is also the reason why Hydera didn’t expect it. He really didn’t pay attention to the fourth-order method.
However, the bodhi old zu de gruyter knows the fourth-order technique of Liu Xuan, and the terror in this dense environment is equivalent to the fifth-order technique of the three bodhi old zu in Xuandan. It is likely to be better. When Liu Xuan is integrated into the third time, the bodhi old zu de gruyter’s face changes greatly, and he feels the taste of the natural disaster technique. This technique is absolutely fatal to Hydra, but can Hydra be cast by Liu Xuan?
Sure enough, everything was as expected by the bodhi old zu of Hu family. When Liu Xuan was integrated into the third place, Hyderabad turned her head fiercely and stared at Liu Xuan intensely. He felt what this dangerous smell was. When he saw Liu Xuan’s hand, the tricolor light group Hyderabad was finally not calm. This is a force beyond the plane of Xuanhong. Yes, it is a celestial breath. This small one can actually make the celestial magic.
Hyderabad big tail a jilt a gear lived MAO ye a firm but gentle twisted body speed came to LiuXuan side.
"Mountain comes"
The bodhi old zu Hu called for a huge mountain to rise quickly. He and Liu Xuan blocked Hyderabad before the mountain, and the mountain continued to rise and still did not stop rising.
696, counterattack six
Boom! Half of the whole mountain peak has been swept away by the snake’s tail. A lot of rocks and gravel have tumbled from the mountain peak. The hydra snake’s head has broken the mountain peak and directly extended to the back of the mountain peak.
Due to the limitation of strength, the bodhi old zu Hu’s mountain-moving technique is not yet home, but the mountain peak he moved to is not too small. Although there is no way to compare it with Taiji Gate’s broken peak, from the height point of view, he moved to the hill and it is already a hundred feet high. This is definitely not a hill. Excluding the altitude, it is not a lot of steep peaks, but it is just a hundred feet high.
Hydera smashed the top of the hill and put his head behind the peak, but because he hit the peak, it was a cloud of dust, and he couldn’t find the position of the bodhi old zu Hu and Liu Xuan, and he could probably sense that there was a strong fluctuation in the technique.
Hydera probe again but felt a sharp pain in the tail as if something had been torn.
So Hydera had to give up Liu Xuan’s pursuit for a while, take back the snake’s head and turn around. When he saw his own snake’s tail, a section of it had been beheaded by Emperor Mao’s sword.
Hyderabad flew into a rage and directly turned his huge body and rolled it over towards Emperor Mao.
Actually, Emperor Mao cut off a snake’s tail, which is probably only about 1% compared with Hyderabad’s whole body. Because Hyderabad’s defense is too strong, Grandpa Mao didn’t take advantage of Hyderabad’s confrontation several times. Generally speaking, he can cut some painless wounds on Hyderabad, which makes Emperor Mao wonder how he just cut off the snake’s head.
Said Liu Xuan method is very effective, this emperor Mao is even more white Liu Xuan, and now he is a dragon spirit body. Although he is not yet a Qin Tian, because of the dragon spirit, the whole dense territory not only does not suppress him at all, but also has a certain bonus, which is also the reason why Emperor Mao’s martial arts practice can compete with Hydra.
When Hyderabad was bent on dealing with Liu Xuan, Emperor Mao seized this opportunity and got a hard sword behind Hyderabad. This time, the chop was really far ahead of the ordinary attack, which was a big move of Emperor Mao, but it cut off a small part of Hydra’s anticlimax.
As the saying goes, it’s just as well that the fingers are tied together. Of course, it’s the same. Although it’s a small part, it makes Hyderabad furious. This snake is different from other snake heads. When the two snake heads were cut off, it seems that Hyderabad was not as furious as it is now. It seems that the damage suffered by the snake head should be borne by a single snake head and the damage suffered by the snake head should be the damage suffered by this main snake head. Otherwise, he would not be so furious.
Although Hydera is huge, but the turning process is also quite agile, he directly turned around and ran towards Mao Ye, but at this moment, the figure of Hu Jia’s bodhi old zu, who had just been knocked off by him, suddenly appeared.
"Hit the mountain!"
As soon as Hyderabad turned around, he saw a rock as big as a mountain bumping into him, hitting the side of his head and hitting his snake head. It just let the oncoming Mao Ye pass. Mao Ye left a long scratch on Hyderabad’s body. Although it didn’t hurt much, it was according to the huge body like Hyderabad. Now Hyderabad is dozens of feet long and short. This wound is really too small to know.
Hyderabad’s anger, the tail of a snake, slammed the ground, and the ground in an area in the center of Emperor Taizu cracked one after another. Several water columns went up into the sky and sprayed Hyderabad, making his body muddy.
Seeing the water column rising from the sky due to the ground fracture, the bodhi old zu of Hu family brightened up at the moment. He broke the peak and patted the mountain with his hands. The small mountain actually narrowed slowly, but it moved in the direction of Hyderabad and Mao Ye.
"Move the mountain!"
The small mountain peak is getting smaller and smaller, and finally it has almost merged into the ground. At this time, the bodhi old zu de gruyter rushed up from the ground and hit Hyde’s abdomen. Because of the sudden appearance of the hill, Hydera was like a flowing snake, and suddenly it was stuck by a rising hill.
When the small three-talent array on the ground is broken, the seven-star array can’t be reversed naturally. Without the energy array, the array naturally stops, which makes the original war network Hyderabad people immediately fall into the wind. Worse still, there are more than 30 flying gas condensate order spiritual practices. Although these little guys are not as good as the fourth-order spiritual practices, they can be suppressed by the dense environment. Instead, these spiritual practices are not suppressed by the array. The positive and negative addition of these gas condensate order spiritual practices can actually be combined with three or five to fight against the fourth-order spiritual practices. With the help of these gas coagulation steps, there are only a few pulse steps left, but they are free to join the siege team of Hyderabad. Although the effect is not very obvious, it has caused considerable trouble to Hyderabad more or less
Roar Hyderabad roars. I don’t know what a snake creature can roar like a beast. Anyway, when he roars, it’s really not small. The people besieged Hyderabad by the earthquake almost lost their shape. At this time, Hyderabad stood up. The huge Shekou was close to him one by one, and the strong one was swallowed by him. At the same time, the tail of a snake was swinging and Hu Guzhen and Tu Wencheng were pumping two people directly.
Although it is difficult for these pulse steps to cause harm to Hydera, his status as a pseudo-god-level strong man will certainly not allow such dirty things like flies to fly around here. He flagrantly gave up killing Mao Ye and directly attacked these pulse steps that had just been changed.
Tu Wencheng, a newcomer who has just entered the pulse stage for a short time, is naturally always on guard against whether he will be hit hard. He has been holding the defense tactic Hyderabad’s tail. When he throws it over, his hands are divided into a huge rock like a hill, but even such a huge rock can’t stop Hyderabad’s attack. After the huge rock, Tu Wencheng’s Hu Hanhong was thrown out of sight together.
697, counterattack seven
Out of the inverted seven stars, there are seven pulse steps, which were reversed by the explosion of Xuandi and another Xuandi. Then Wu Wanxian defected again, and the remaining seven people, Luo Gu and another Xuanmen elder, were also seriously injured, so they were far away from each other, but they were afraid to rush near. In this way, there are actually three big families, three heads of families and two other Xuanmen elders. This Hydera is directly equivalent to killing three even Tu Wencheng and Hu Hanhong. It’s hard to fight if you’re not dead. After all, this is not their level of fighting. Liu Xuan, if it weren’t for the dragon spirit, it’s estimated that he wouldn’t be able to participate in such a battle. The third-order and fourth-order operation roots can’t do harm to Hydra.
Seeing that there are only a few pulse steps left in the tyranny of Hyderabad, it is estimated that it will not last long, and there is no good way for the bodhi old zu of Hu family. At this time, he can look at the rescue to Emperor Mao.
Mao left gruyter bodhi old zu but didn’t speak. It was a long sword in his hand that turned into a phantom and directly charged at Hyderabad.
Mao’s footsteps have changed several positions in a row, and everyone feels that his position has changed a little strangely, but the bodhi old zu de gruyter found that Mao’s forehead has been covered with sweat.
Others feel it is not very white, but it is extremely dangerous for the bodhi old zu to feel Mao’s sword. This sword is no longer just a martial power, but it seems to have surpassed it.
At this moment, it suddenly formed a vortex, which was thin and long from the sky to the end of the vortex.
Of course, Hyderabad felt it was strange to see such a change. She glanced at the sky and then took it up like a normal snake. The snake letter in her mouth kept swallowing and looked a little gloomy.
The ground of the huge snake tail can’t stop shaking. No, a broken snake tail makes people look and feel a little strange.
If you look at Hyderabad carefully at this time, you will find that his neck can’t stop wriggling, and the scales of his neck are almost erected. Different colors of spiritual force are surging towards Hyderabad’s neck position. It seems that his throat is preparing something.
At this time, Emperor Mao seemed to have finally finished his Xu Li. Suddenly, his whole body jumped high with a sword in his hand, and a faint halo appeared over his head. The vortex that had been rushing into him disappeared and was replaced by a five-claw golden dragon. In the middle, with the sword of Emperor Mao, a huge African claw fell from the sky.
Hyderabad looked up and saw the dragon’s paw descending from the sky. As he roared, a flash of light blurted out. From a distance, it looked like a new sun was rising from the sky in Ran Ran.

"Adult blue star terran is currently on the sun each asteroid with resources is a large number of immigrants.

But their staying power is really weak.
Generally, a planet can have one or two stars, which is considered as a strong staying power.
We need to find the planet where they are colonizing and we can easily get a lot of prisoners, "Dalac said."
Xiliude nodded. "Well, it’s really not difficult to say as you do, but the sun is small, but it’s still wider for us now. How to find the blue star human beings to colonize the planet is a big problem.
How do you solve it? "
Dalac looked around the awkward line, which caused Xiliude to frown. Not only Xiliude, but Dilling, Neve and others also frowned.
"Not convenient to say? This will enable people around me to be our most loyal and trustworthy comrades-in-arms. "When saying this sentence, Xiliude’s eyes glanced back and his eyes were very soft."
This will be able to gather around Xiliude to repair the lowest, all of which are five-star stars. The only exception is that the strong will retreat.
Dalac is not stupid. Obviously, he felt the dissatisfaction of Dilling and others and said, "Your Excellency, I have a secret channel to obtain the coordinates of the colonial planet issued by the Blue Star Terran!"
Dalac wants to have reservations, but Dilling snorted at the right time. Dalac suddenly got Zheng and was busy. "It’s the Eldar Eldar. It is said that there is a connection with the top of the Blue Star Terran Department.
Then the Eldar will sell it to us in various forms! "
As soon as this statement was made, it came with a sigh of relief.
Rape again!
Who the hell is this?
Or Raymont?
Ruan Tianqi?
At this time, it’ s simply a secret song with the Eldar!
If you have a chance, you must cut them!
At this moment, Xu’ s heart is stronger than killing!
Perhaps Xu’s emotional ups and downs were a little intense, which led Bishop Cyrus to think, "Kodo, do you have an idea?" West flow, abrupt asked
"Monseigneur, I think we should get root intelligence channels from Eldar as much as possible!
Eldar, we have a constant galactic war.
It’s very possible if we get a hand in the information pit.
So we have a limited situation with the Eldar, or we should guard against the Eldar in a few minutes, "Xu said."
Bishop Xiliude was very satisfied with Xu’s answer, and he appreciated Xu more.
In front of everyone, Bishop Cyrus gave a formal introduction to Dalac. In his speech, he appreciated the cultivation. It was very true that Gabe’s eyes were almost red when he saw it not far away
If only this treatment fell on him.
Later, the Muyan Sun went to the army to temporarily rest for about an hour on the base of the Milian District.
The main reason is that some people were injured by the blazing sun when they passed through the holy gate.
Including Bishop Cyrus, need to stabilize and recover from an injury.
At the same time, the commander-in-chief Dilling will learn about the current situation of the Sun from Dalac and make a more detailed strategy.
This time, the Mayan solar expeditionary force originally planned to reach the sun, and there will be 52 strong stars.
But in the end, when we passed the Holy Gate, we suffered heavy losses. Twenty-three strong stars directly turned into fly ash.
Twenty-nine stars have reached the sun, and the number of quasi-planets has also dropped by a third.
It was planned to reach 250 quasi-planets, but 140 of them actually arrived.
Although the transmutation environment lost a lot, it also came a lot, and finally lost a little more than a quarter.
The original hundred and forty transmutations finally arrived here, and the sun reached 610.
At the same time, there are ten planets and twenty quasi-planets in Dalac.
In this way, at present, there are 39 planets, 160 quasi-planets and 610 transmutations in the solar side of the Mayan solar expeditionary force.
The commander-in-chief’s reformulation of the battle plan has not changed much from the previous strategy.
At present, Shui Yuan Palace is a city plan besides staying behind to guard against several quasi-planets.
All we have to do is get there
Only by continuing to occupy Shui Yuan Palace can Ceres stand firm.
This is a must
At the same time, Canais asteroids also need people to stay.
So Bunit took the fifth war brigade, twenty-five planetesimals and fifteen transmutations to guard the Canais asteroids, and at the same time guarded the blue star prisoners and rebuilt the idol mark again.
This is very critical!
And Bishop Xiliude’s commander-in-chief, Dilling, will take more than 31 planets, 135 quasi-planets and more than 500 transmutations into the original palace.
Ceres is important!
"Kodo priest to stay here, I hope you can break through to the stars as soon as possible! I think your strength should be fast. "Before departure, Xiliude also specially confessed that Xu tui was especially taken care of.
"If you have any questions, Bunit can discuss with the priest Kodo. Personally, I think the priest Kodo is still quite wise." This is a deliberate wake-up call before Xiliu Delin’s departure. Bunit is also taking care of Kodo.
A few minutes later, the west DeDilin people stepped into the cosmic passage and headed for Shui Yuan Palace.
After they left, they retired as soon as possible and joined AnXiaoXue again.
Chapter nine hundred and twenty-four An ambush
In fact, the Mayan people have always been very cautious in this regard.
Even if they are realistic enough to sweep across the influence of the sun, they are still very careful in the passage of the universe.
It’s not nature. It’s a memory etched in their bones after several fiasco and bloody battles.

In particular, Zhang Chuer’s appearance makes them covet such an opportunity, and it will really regret not taking the opportunity to get some oil.

Unexpectedly, Longyou, although young, was not afraid of anything. One person dared to challenge several of them and finally provoked a big boss with a mysterious origin.
"What do you say?" Ye Xiao leer longyou drink a way
"If we didn’t steal anything, you must set up a big sign at the door to show the story for three days, then we will agree to be inspected!" Longyou sneer at a way
"Ridiculous!" Ye Xiao was furious. If the supermarket really did this, it would be discredited and there would be no more business.
"Your search is even more ridiculous!" Longyou’s voice is no weaker than Ye Xiao’s. "Only when there is a public security machine can you search citizens and want to do this in a broken supermarket?"
"You …" Ye Xiao was speechless at the moment. Of course he knew that Longyou was telling the truth, but he didn’t expect that it was a lush young Longyou who was so courageous and knowledgeable.
"Uncle!" The tattooed young man shouted, "I can’t believe I can’t find anything from him if I bet with him!" "
This guy’s name is Ye Xin, and he is Ye Xiao’s nephew. He has long coveted Zhang Chuer, and he is looking forward to being able to search for a good chance to touch Zhang Chuer’s consequences, regardless of his consideration.
"Are you sure he stole something?" Ye Xiao looked sullenly at the members.
"We …" Several members looked at each other. When they saw a ghost, they were going to take the opportunity to teach them a long journey. Where would there be any basis?
Looking at their reaction, Ye Xiao knew that things probably suddenly got angry and slapped the first member’s face. "Nothing!"
The member was slapped, stumbled and almost fell, but he was afraid to come out with his face covered.
Turned to Ye Xiao in a friendly face "you go"
"You just forget it?" On the contrary, Zhang Chuer was a little unwilling to blush with shame. "Just now, I kept saying that we didn’t check for stealing?"
Ye Xiao’s face shook, and a little girl pointed at his nose and said such a thing. Honestly, he really hasn’t experienced it, but today he can’t make it with a smile. "Maybe they are wrong!"
"Is it possible?" Zhang Chuer refused. "Does that mean we might steal something?" Then she put her arms on her chest and said, "Come and search!"
Ye Xin is a jerk. When he sees Zhang Chuer make such a move, he really wants to reach out and take a step forward.
"Lying in the trough!" Longyou’s eyes are wide open. What does that mean?
He grabbed a kick and kicked Ye Xin. "Do you want to be a hooligan?"
Ye Xin was also furious when he was kicked down. "What can’t you let us search?"
"The search is also conducted by the Public Security Bureau. You are a shit!" Longyou dialect hurts, but it makes the dialect right
Ye Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and pushed Ye Xin aside. "Nothing to roll!"
Then, after saying that sentence behind him, he never spoke again. Ding Yun said, "Brother Ding, please say something!"
Ye Xiao knows that he met two tartars today, and it is good to take advantage of each other and send them away well.
Ding Yun despised in his heart, but the surface was still light and light. He smiled at Longyou. "All right, little brother, these people are also responsible. Don’t care about them in general."
The words seem neither biased nor oblique, but the last sentence "Don’t dispute with them" implies that the supermarket is wrong.
Longyou snorted. He didn’t want to stay in this stupid supermarket. After all, he was in a hurry to go back to eat dumplings at noon. He said, "Well, let’s just forget it when we look at Ding Dage’s noodles. I hope you remember today’s things don’t wait until you meet those who are really unreasonable in the future. It’s hard for you to solve them so happily!"
Ye Xiao nodded and smiled apologetically. "Good talk!"
His attitude has changed a lot from a frown to a nod. It is absolutely chilling, but he is such a person without any consciousness.
I went out of the supermarket with Zhang Chuer and asked Ding Yunyi around me, "Ding Dage, why are you back again?"
"Ha ha, I forgot to ask your names just now, so how can I tell you when I tell people later?" Ding Yun laughed
Longyou laughed. "Why don’t we just say it was your own idea!"
Ding Yunyi shook his head again and again. "This can’t be done. It’s just that you and I are wrong. Absolutely wicked!"
"Is it so true?" Longyou has some language, but some people appreciate this Ding Yun.
"My name is Longyou, and this is me …" Longyou hesitated and saw Zhang Chuer’s shy eyes, and suddenly there was a sense of heroism. "This is my girlfriend Zhang Chuer!"
This is not only Zhang Chuer stunned Ding Yun, but also a face of eccentricity
This is what boyfriends and girlfriends are in the 1990s. Although everyone understands it, they all have some taboos. How can they be so generous as Longyou to directly admit that everything is shocked by Longyou’s bold remarks?
"Little … little brother!" Ding Yunyi stammered, "You can’t talk nonsense about this!"
Zhang Chuer even covered her little face and didn’t dare to see anyone, but her psychology was sweet and she was about to flow honey. After all, no girl didn’t like being admitted so generously, and she was still her right man.
"What’s hard to say?" Longyou held Zhang Chuer in his arms with a pale face. "Are you still a man if your women dare not admit it?"
There are still some symbolic struggles in Zhang Chuer, but after hearing this, even the symbolic struggle is gone, just like there is no bone. I still bury my face in my arms and dare not speak.
Ding Yunyi can’t help but sigh that this Longyou is really not an ordinary person and quite knowledgeable. It seems that it is really a very unusual thing.
"Brother Ding and you hit it off very well. It just so happens that we have dumplings at home today. Do you want to try them?" Longyou invited way
Ding Yunyi is not a melodramatic person. "It happens that my little brother is very congenial, so let’s go and ask for a meal!"
Zhang Chuer was caught in Longyou’s arms and immediately struggled when he heard this.
Longyou asked her curiously, "What?"
"What are you doing!" Zhang Chuer glared at him with a red face. "I don’t know how shy!"
Ding Yunyi looked interesting next to him and laughed.
The three of them went all the way to the side of the road, talking and laughing, and then Ding Yun said, "You two go in my car." Pointing to a car by the road, he said.
"Santana 2?" Looking at that car, I was surprised.
"Little brother has a good eye!" Ding Yun laughed. "Many people have seen my car, but they can’t tell what happened, or the little brother can see it at a glance."
Longyou smiled without saying a word. At this time, people may still treat this kind of car as a treasure, but it will not be possible in the future.
Pulling the door, Longyou first sent Zhang Chuer to the back seat and then sat down in the co-pilot position himself.
It is impossible for him to have a driver’s license at his age, so he consciously didn’t go to the car, although his driving skills are absolutely passable.
Ding Yun Italian car slowly started all the way while chatting gossip.
Since it’s a car topic, you can’t leave the car, but the knowledge of Longyou comes from later generations, and the conversation naturally brings a taste of pointing out the mountains and rivers.
Although he has deliberately converged his words, there are still some micro-revelations that still make Ding Yun speechless from time to time.
After what, the number of Chinese cars will reach the incredible level of ten people, the national strength of China will directly reach the second place in the world, and the output of Chinese cars will reach millions every year, and so on.
Moreover, Longyou also stressed that these will be achieved in more than ten years.
At present, the Chinese people have just woken up from the joy of reform, especially for the degree of modernization abroad, but they are a little too contemptuous of their own country. Ding Yunyi and Zhang Chuer can’t say anything about Longyou or because of their awe of him, but they all think that what he said is a bit too ridiculous.
Hao Longyou didn’t want them all to believe that he was just saying some facts in the future.
A line of people talking and laughing soon returned to Longyou home.
When Longyou introduced Ding Yunyi to his family, the family was not surprised, but rather happy. After all, both Long Jingui and Longyou’s mother were very hospitable.
I was very unhappy when I heard Longyou call Ding Yunyi Ding Dage Long Jingui. I had to let Longyou change his name to uncle.
Good Ding Yun didn’t mean anything, so let Longyou continue to call himself Ding Dage, and he was also commensurate with Long Jingui’s brothers, and suddenly some were happy.
Soon Zhang Chuer and Longyou’s mother brought steaming dumplings to a few people to sit around the table and eat happily.
Chapter 24 Sudden situation
Ding Yunyi knew that he was a guest house and he didn’t have a hand to come over. He also bought a few bottles of good wine, which happened to be the ready-made dumplings. He and Long Jingui drank it.
Longyou also rode Long Jingui. Today, I was happy. Zhang Chuer lightly chastised her eyes for a few drinks.
Ding Yunyi was also riding and asked Longyou about supermarket management.

Another old man in the summer home faintly felt that something was wrong. He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and push him. A Na Xia old man’s body suddenly collapsed like a porcelain tile. His Yuan Shen Fa is the soul’s spirit, but it was all dead!

He was just that heartbeat abruptly shattered!
Chapter seven hundred and thirty Face kindness and evil.
In this way, the master of the open sumeru realm was directly shocked by several heartbeats, and many great sage masters were quietly shocked to death before they were full. These people didn’t even notice it!
Xia Jiasheng Lord smell speech was once again a heavy heart crack day demon emperor and the palace young woman before afraid of returning to France Naisu should immediately show a smile and throw away just unhappy "crack day brother and palace pool talking and laughing seat shall be against him? This treasure house treasure has not yet seen the body of the emperor, and it is necessary to work together to go deep into the treasure house to find the celestial passage. "
He strode to the depths of the treasure house and led the summer family to the core of the treasure house.
His Lord of the Holy Land was afraid that the first demon emperor would fall into his hands, and he also got up and refused to lag behind.
"Thank you very much for the demon emperor and his predecessors’ clearance." Su Ying should ask the crack demon emperor and the young woman named Yueshen Palace.
Crack day demon emperor smiled and patted Sue should shoulder "how can my son-in-law die in front of me? If you don’t mix up after going out, and when you go out, go to the demon temple and burn if you miss you. "
Su Ying nodded and smiled, "I will definitely go."
"Well, be careful yourself. I’ll go before, or I’ll be robbed of the treasure by those old things."
Su Ying immediately looked at the young woman surnamed Gong and thanked her, saying, "Thank you, senior."
The young woman surnamed Gong smiled and looked at Su Ying. "Sure enough, she is somewhat similar to your father."
Su Ying was shocked and quickly asked, "Have you seen my father before?"
"It didn’t."
She shook her head slightly and smiled. "It’s just that I’ve seen it once in the portrait. You’re welcome. We are all behind Luna Palace."
"Why didn’t Aunt Yue come?" Su Ying asked.
"The Lord of the Palace and the Lord of the East Emperor have more important things to do, and by the time they get to that state, this treasure house is out of sight."
She said and continued, "I’ll go in first."
Su Ying nodded and couldn’t help feeling lucky that he had taken the first step. Otherwise, if this group of great sages saw the geographical map of the original mainland mountains and rivers, they would definitely beat you to death.
He wanted to think, and then made her way forward with Qin Yan. "Now, I’m afraid that all the treasures in the temple will not be mine in the future, but it’s also good that the treasures in the temple are the geographical map of the original mainland mountains and rivers except the emperor’s flesh. Now this map has fallen into my hands. I’m afraid that the Lord will also collect it …"
They walked all the way as if they had entered a magnificent hall, and the masters of the major holy places used their means to collect Chinese treasures.
Su Ying did not collect treasures, but followed this group of people to move on. Before they knew it, they came to a passage. Before they entered the passage, there was a thick evil wind. Even the strong in the Lord’s class felt the dense chill.
This passage is quite wide. There is a square so wide that it can accommodate thousands of people in parallel. One side is more than one person. Bronze mirrors are spread all over the passage, and one side is erected in rows every three steps.
There are more than 10,000 sides of the mirror shaking, and there are thick cold air coming from the mirror, so that everyone can spit out white gas when breathing.
They walked into the mirror and walked to the end of the passage. A dragon roared overhead and rushed to the end of the passage. When they got here, they were convinced that they were not far from the burial place of the first demon emperor.
"I’m afraid we’ve crossed the treasure house and arrived at the place where the first demon emperor was buried." The Buddha’s Buddha’s light diffused all over the body and shone in all directions to melt the haze and sink a way.
Is the great Zen master of King Kong merciful? "There may be evil spirits here, so be careful. If you can’t stand it, you can come to the old monk."
He is also the Buddha’s light all over the body, shining a series of lights to dispel the yin qi, giving people a feeling of warmth and spring.
Sue should have noticed that there was no reflection of their images in the mirror, but the scene of the mirror was a dark coffin with more than nine mouths. From time to time, a little dragon gas poured into the mirror and entered the coffin. I couldn’t help secretly wondering.
Suddenly, he heard a long sigh in the mirror, and his heart moved, and suddenly he heard a click and a light sound. From the mirror, he saw a black coffin in the mirror, and the coffin lid slowly opened.
"What treasures are these bronze mirrors?"
An old monster of Styx Sect who opened heaven smiled and couldn’t help but catch a greedy hand at the bronze mirror. "Is it a half-step holy soldier?"
Crack day demon emperor cold hum a look around, see a click in the bronze mirror, I couldn’t help but look slightly changed and strode to the end of this passage. I whispered to Su Ying, "son-in-law, let’s go. It is said that when the initial demon Sect fought in all directions, I don’t know how many great sage masters were caught. These people have demon demons and terrans all refined puppets to guard the treasure house. Let’s go!"
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-one Resin demon thousand
Su Ying can’t help but gasp in air. If the crack demon emperor didn’t say anything wrong, this is the place where the first demon Sect was detained by the guardian emperor’s tomb.
In those days, the First Demon Sect occupied one-third of the whole primitive continent. They had several resources and experts, and the puppets made by the experts they detained were probably great experts.
These people were beheaded and sealed, which will not be destroyed after thousands of years, that is, to prevent others from invading and disturb the ancestors of the first demon Sect.
And Su Ying, these people are the invaders.

Just one blow when they met each other caused an extremely terrible scene, which made the younger generation leave behind, and the gap was so great that it was frightening.

"Are you waiting for me in the underground palace?"
The wounded Zifu Saint couldn’t help but say, which made him have a bad association. Is there anyone in the cruel Dojo who wants to kill the younger generation in the East Wilderness?
They are also surprised. Where did this young man in black come from? Actually, it can be a strong horse, and the king has a stiff shake, and he has a spell of magical power.
This is the previous tianjiao can’t do it, so the strength is terrible.
"My name is Papman!"
The young man in black stands high in the sky, the black mist rises and falls, and the purple light ripples. He is always in the dark, like a terrible devil outside the sky.
Haze ups and downs, purple divine light transpiration, a kind of method, heaven, my way, terrible breath, like a black sky, covered the sun, the moon and the stars
Papman? Six gods, big monty, king Bo Xun? !
Everyone is amazed that this is not the character in the story. Zeng Ximo’s Buddhist classics are in a hurry, and it is suspected that Amitabha the Great has such a name.
Is this to incarnate the great monty and swallow up the arrogance of the whole world?
Shake the light, the holy eyes flashed a different color. Is this his name? Never heard of it?
Is this man really the rise of the East Wilderness?
Seeing this, the purple-haired demon several people smiled again, and he was able to compete against the King War.
Buzz! In an instant, they started the law, and the fog became more and more intense, wrapping the whole underground, showing a misty gesture.
And the major tianjiao were divided to form one battlefield after another.
Before Li Yu, Monty Papman was left, but the two men were more subtle than just fighting with Qi Qi, without the slightest idea.
On the other side, the confrontation between the people shaking the holy white clothes also stopped, and their eyes swept to his battlefield.
Three of the five ruthless inheritors actually fought fiercely.
Especially Ji Haoyue barbarian youth is physically strong, which makes him a little surprised. It is definitely better than those holy visions. What’s more, it makes him feel very difficult and some can’t take it.
"Congenital fetal is really enviable physique."
On the other side, the gauze-clothed woman came leisurely to strike the purple mansion saint and was quite interested in the tire source.
Zi Xia’s silence is devoted to the enemy. She has a faint guess about the origin of people in front of her eyes. It is likely that there was a vicious person in the past.
But until now, the other party has never shown such means. It is very strange to hear that swallowing monty is not the same.
The underground square sent Guanghua to light up again and turned out to be a few shadows. They stared at the foggy area and slowly revealed a smile.
"It’s good to wipe out the younger generation in the East Wilderness, and you can use their blood to open the real treasure of the Dojo and take out the dusty cover!"
"It’s a pity that the body of the magic pot was stirred up by a big black dog who broke in in the past year. It’s a disaster to be lost and picked up by the thirteen bandits."
"We can’t have any more accidents this time. We’ll be more emboldened by taking out the monty cover, adding black gold dragon tripod and some extreme forces are not as good as us."
Several shadows talked to the depths of the Dojo, and the treasure needed the blood of the pack to be opened.
And they also know that the complete swallowing monty jar was left in this Dojo. It was an accident in the past year that was destroyed by a hateful big black dog, which caused the two to be separated and scattered.
But when they were about to rush to the underground to capture the treasure of a group of people who opened the Dojo, they found with horror that the body method was blocked in the virtual middle.
"Someone sealed the void and cut it out of the world?"
A few people were surprised only to find that an old Taoist priest was looking at them faintly before him.
"Once the rats in the gutter come out, it’s nothing to worry about."
When the old man raised his hand, he saw several black shadows with frightened faces, and his body was uncontrollably reduced into a few grains of dust and fell into the hands of the old Taoist priest.
At the same time, Li Yu received a smile from the news of the Cai Great Sage and threw a stone statue directly into the fog.
Papman also took out the flag of the 991-pole array and flew into the fog, which directly occupied the dominance of the array method in another day.
A battlefield situation changes in the fierce battle, Ji Haoyue, Zifu Saint, etc. were all divided and scattered into the underground palace.
And purple hair day demon, white man, gauze clothing female barbarian youth were sent together with shake light SAN.
They looked at the separation in front of them and gradually became indecisive.

Belmore has heard about Du Lin’s deeds before the bid. A while ago, a purposeful investigation of Shiraishi Law found that he was indeed right when Du Lin’s performance slipped significantly and he came to Mihua Town.

Moreover, vodka never remembers the relatives of every organization member, and he is still a cousin.
In view of this, when Belmore heard the name "Du Linbiao’s uncle’s son" from the vodka mouth, he was first surprised that Du Linbiao didn’t have a surname of Whie.
Then I realized that I was afraid that Du Linbiao had contact with organizations before the White Stone Law, and maybe he had seen Gin and vodka, but he was not a full member, otherwise vodka would bring a wine name instead of the sentence "who is who?"
This is, after all, speculation, and Belmore wants to get some information from Du Linbiao to prove his conjecture.
However, Du Linbiao didn’t directly answer that he was touched face to face, but he was modest again and said, "I really need more experience."
Belmore’s consciousness was pinched, and his cigarette butt looked like a pity. "If I had brought that white stone with me, Akai might have died in America long ago-really, don’t you think it’s a wave for him to stay outside?"
"Or … I heard that he has narcolepsy? If you are worried about the increasing pressure in the organization, it is better to send it abroad to recuperate. There are too many murders in Tokyo, and even if you don’t contact the organization, it is definitely not a good place to recuperate. "
She tried her best to suggest that Baishi be removed from Tokyo, mainly to get Baishi out of the Maori detective office.
But it’s a pity that Du Linbiao is not interested in this discussion.
He lowered his head and rummaged through his pockets, waiting for Belmore to finish before politely and perfunctorily replying, "He has his own ideas."
"…" Belmore still don’t give up.
But Du Linbiao found a small plastic box from his bag and threw it at him suddenly. "I just wanted to tell you something about him-I went to see him nearby a few days ago and it happened that you were’ giving gifts’."
Belmore was psychologically prepared when he saw Du Linbiao early.
But when she lifted the lid of the box, she found that it was really a camera inside, and her heart sank slightly.
In order to install these, she deliberately sneaked into the decoration team, so there should be no flaw.
Du Linbiao won’t notice the Maori detective office, will he …
However, eavesdropping and installing transmitters in organizations are commonplace. Just picking up an organization member and shaking it can almost shake out a similar device, which is not an explanation.
Belmore quickly found his story.
However, the opposite person took the lead again.
Du Linbiao turned out to be that she had just advised Baishi to move, and the tone was convincing and vivid, and people’s anger was rising.
"To be honest, you are so wrong. Members of excellent organizations have never heard of you deliberately observing anyone, let alone installing so many cameras.
"It depends on your face … you seem to be not so superficial, and I am almost old enough to be your grandson. You should not be there yet.
"No matter in what way, your interest in him exceeds the standard. Is there anything around him that makes you very interested?"
Belmore folded his arms and touched the Tibetan side gun with this moving fingertip.
She seriously wants to kill Du Linbiao.
However, this matter is not difficult. Plus, Du Linbiao actually has a cousin, which is completely different from what he said before: "My parents were killed and my family grew up alone."
By analogy, his saying "no friends" should also be nonsense …
No, it’s not the only one. There may be no nonsense.
But in the end, he must have help besides Baishi Law Discipline.
Even if we kill Du Linbiao and then kill the white stone outside, once we miss one of their allies, judging from Du Linbiao’s malicious reasoning just now, Mao Lilan is likely to be in danger and not worth the candle.
Du Linbiao has really failed a lot recently, but that’s because he always has some strange principles when he acts, not because he is stupid.
Since he is not stupid enough to say such a thing in front of himself, he must have considered countermeasures.
Thinking of this, Belmore did not hide his murder and observed the reaction of the opposite person.
Du Linbiao really looked at her murderous look and leisurely leaned against the cart to continue his infuriating reasoning.
"Law Ji Ji doesn’t go out on the Internet or send a lot of letters, but you haven’t intercepted his signal. Instead, you installed a camera around his home … Do you care about his living environment or one of his neighbors?"
It’s not that it’s too difficult to reason.
But after hearing the final conclusion, Belmore was still stunned.
At this time, it seems guilty to deny it directly because she made a simple evaluation of herself and found that if Du Linbiao guessed wrong now, she would smile mysteriously and understate her opposition, making it difficult for the other party to distinguish between reality and reality, thus pushing the wrong object out to block the knife.
But the problem is that Du Linbiao guessed right.
It doesn’t seem to be very good to follow the admission
The soft rib is hidden in a place that no one expected. Once it is suspected, the base will get cold-it doesn’t take much effort to try and stab the other person, and there is no loss.
Belmore didn’t want Mao Lilan to get involved in this.
She struggled to choose one of several reactions that could reasonably get rid of the status quo.

Even if the patriarch is hit hard by dry days, he can eat this boring loss and dare not find the field again. By the time the Terran is defeated and withdraws from the middle field after the wild war, he has collected enough benefits, and the amount of luck and certificates will be enough. Perhaps the law of uniting the imperial avenue will be achieved.

At this time, Yu Duxiu slowly twisted the rosary in his hand, and there was a strange color flashing in his eyes. After a long time, he didn’t make moves to punish hay cutter. "If you hurt yourself, if the strong people are hit hard, but only Amitabha is lucky, isn’t it strange?"
With that, Jade Duxiu closed his eyes. "Fox God, this time it’s troublesome and out of control. In the future, the situation of the heavens and the earth will be even more chaotic. Only when I walk through Tongtian Road will I compete with the strong ones in the heavens. By that time, I will be the first person in the heavens and the earth."
The virtual stalemate keeps the aura of heaven and earth falling from the star and constantly irrigating towards the fox god. The aura of heaven and earth is thousands of times stronger than that of the universe. Before the aura of heaven and earth was atomized, the essence of the sun and the moon was nothing for the strong people in the wild. Everyone has broken through the aura of heaven and earth in this star. Although it is rich, it is a method that can promote everyone’s cultivation, but it is different now. It is never too much for the strong people to understand the world.
In that vast star, the aura of heaven and earth, the innate spiritual treasure gourd blessing, is constantly involved, but it is only a few breaths, and then you will see a bright and extremely divine light, and then you will see all beings in the wild, and a little strange color appears in your eyes. It seems that somewhere in the virtual world, you have to realize your true spirit, and you will not die unless you break through the virtual reality and erase your true spirit, otherwise you will not die, only heaven and man will die.
There is a difference and the only difference in the list of gods. The strength base of the list of gods is that it has reached its limit, but it has lived as long as possible. The world is the same as its own Shinto source, which can be called Shoutianqi.
However, recruiting demon banners is not. Although there is no immortal power, it can still be immortal. The strength of flesh and blood rebirth can be increased, but the life span has not been added at all. What is the life span? That is how much it will be, not more than one day, not less than one day.
After the perfection of the five elements law of fetal membranes in the world, a tail is limited to extend and instantly insert into the sky, but it takes only a few breaths to plunder the power of the stars, and then all the visions disappear. The fox god is still the beautiful and charming beauty, with a green gourd dragging in his hand. A little bit of black gas fills the air, and the whole green gourd is visible to the naked eye, turning black.
Fox God didn’t have time to look at the gourd. A pair of eyes looked at the mouth of Amitabha, the ancestor of Taiyi, with a little sneer. "Taiyi, you old guy dare to stop me from proving that our account should be calculated well."
With that, the tail of the fox god disappears, and the virtual fox god appears when he grabs it and tears it. It’s too easy for the ancestor to blow up his body.
"Fox God, since you have proved that this matter will come to an end. In the future, whether you are wild or my Terran is better, we can rely on our own means."
Taiyi’s ancestor’s figure disappeared instantly, and his illusory fate avoided the fox god’s palm, showing his figure in the distant void.
"Hum Terran is crippled by you old guy. This million people have suppressed the Terran Tianjiao. It would produce the first Terran, but your hands are declining. You guys mean to represent Terran? Be worthy of the dead hero of Terran? If you are smart enough, let the Terran Kyushu out quickly, or wait for me. I don’t know how many terran powders have ruined Kyushu’s life. This loss karma must be counted as your head. "In the charming face of the fox god, Ling Ran was born at this time
Looking at the majestic fox god Tai Yi, the godfather took back the palm of his hand and gave Amitabha a meaningful look. "You don’t want to say more about it. Think about it yourself."
After that, I saw that Tai Yi’s ancestor turned to Tai Yi Dao. Only the sound of heaven and earth sounded, "Think about it yourself. This Kyushu is the birthplace of my Terran after all. If you are willing to let go, you can talk."
"Hum, Kyushu is in the hands of nine despicable guys, so it is better to let it go out and have fun. We can’t get you and we can’t get it." The words in the sky are full of anger
It’s too easy to listen to the words in the sky. It’s typical for a grandparent to stumble in the sky. It’s hard for everyone to fight for both sides.
"Hum!" Four seas Long Jun took an angry look at the cold and turned away, but Amitabha tore his face completely without even saying hello.
The ghost Lord took back the palm of his hand, and the passage of the nether world was closed. Amitabha looked at the passage of the nether world and didn’t say much. The nether world is now seeking stability for the time being. Buddhists should first digest their own power, and then counterattack the exhibition layout when the hidden king The Hunger has accumulated enough power in the nether world.
"Congratulations to the Fox God", the Tiger God is all smiles, but the words are full of sour taste, which sounds quite strange.
Chapter 1574 Thousand Eye Road flyover
"Only when you break through this realm will you know that this realm is vast and endless." At this time, the fox god’s eyes seem to be dripping with water, and his eyes are full of truth and desire for knowledge
After the congratulations, the demon gods left one after another, but Amitabha was still not far away.
"Seeing Buddha" Fox God gave Amitabha a light ceremony.
Amitabha chuckled, "I don’t know if the fox god has any feelings about breaking through this realm now?"
"Vast and extensive", the fox god whispered a pair of eyes and looked at the empty eyes full of yearning.
"By the way, I’d like to thank the Buddha for helping me. Otherwise, this breakthrough will be interrupted. I didn’t know that the palm of Taiyi’s ancestor is waiting for Wei Lugen until now. It is not that these demon gods can seize the trajectory because there is no cause and effect." Fox Shinto said.
"Alas, there is also one thing to please the fox god." Amitabha chuckled.
"Buddha, if you have anything, just say that protecting the Tao is more important than the stars." The fox god pulled his hair.
"Please also ask the fox god to slow down for a few years to wage war. Now my Buddhism has not achieved the great cause of learning from the scriptures. This road to heaven has not been completed. Please also ask the fox god to postpone it for thousands of years." Amitabha said.
"Thousands of years is just a flick of a finger, that’s all. The Buddha is serious, and I have to integrate training. Now all the stars in heaven are in succession, and I have to go through thousands of years to start a war." Fox God laughed.
Upon hearing this, Amitabha twisted forty great wishes and turned around and said, "Things are unpredictable. I wish I could be in the Millennium."
With that, Amitabha has disappeared, and there is no trace in vain.
Looking at Amitabha’s distant back, there was a suspicious look in the eyes of the fox god. "It’s strange."
The heavens and the earth are surging, but there is no way to stop the centipede bodhi old zu from trying to get back his eyeballs all the time.
"You stole the Tathagata lamp oil for the seat of the Great Thunder Temple in Lingshan, and the night bead seat was rewarded." The centipede bodhi old zu looked at the shivering little mouse in front of him.
"Adults don’t want to be small, but the big screamo temple is an important place for Buddhists to make minor repairs. As soon as they get close to the big screamo temple, they will be instantly beaten back to their original shape by the Buddha’s light, such as stealing the Tathagata Pearl." The mouse is clever and resistant.
"Hum, you will naturally bless the secret method. If you can steal the Tathagata Pearl, which is rewarded with all kinds of talented treasures, you will not hesitate to help you achieve the quasi-demon god’s fruit." The centipede bodhi old zu looked at the mouse spirit and said.
"If this is pursued by Buddhists afterwards, what good will it be?" Rat spirit uneasy way
"Hum, I’m wild, and I’m not without a strong man, especially now that I’m wild and foxy, and I’m not worried about the pure land of Lingshan in Da Lei Yin Temple."
"The little willing to demon god walk" mouse eyes turned the corner.
Looking at the little mouse essence with the secret method and different treasures, he went out, and a man with a face of sage like type came out and gave a gift to the centipede essence. "Father, this little mouse essence has low mana and can achieve great things?" The heavily guarded mouse in the screamo Temple will be frightened out of its wits before it gets close. "
"You don’t understand the father’s own calculation on this matter." The centipede bodhi old zu’s eyes are bright and brilliant
"The father god’s golden orchid cassock has one eye of the father god, and the child is willing to take Tang Sanzang for the father god and then rob the Jin Lan cassock" male way.
The centipede bodhi old zu smell speech gave a hand, "Father has just proved that although there is ancient blood blessing, it is hard to compete with Amitabha, such a master of detachment level. The monk took it away, that is, Kesaya turned into trouble if he didn’t move his eyes."

Start "Nine Tailaojun Scriptures", activate Heaven, Heaven, Destiny and Lotus, increase the probability of winning and change the cause and effect of the other party.

But don’t move, mountain and sea blood skeleton can’t move
But he is now in the process of falling, and he is still falling.
Suddenly fell straight to the other side to cut!
It’s an instant explosion and a sword fall
The other three infant officials in South Chu did not avoid them. They firmly believed that although the three Chu people could kill each other.
So they are also crazy.
There’s something weird behind them
It’s all their strange lives. There are golden armor, gods of bones, gods of mountains, great apes, King Kong and the earth raptors …
A total of strange lives, which is equivalent to a Yuan Ying Zhen Jun and them together.
They seem to be winning.
Even the deification can be killed!
Suddenly the two sides collided together.
Without hesitation, the three Taoist officials in southern Chu, such as blood skeletons, have the power to resist all attacks without moving mountains and rivers
This is beyond the realm of Yuan Ying!
The blood skeleton is intact and not harmed at all.
However, his "The Sword of the Nine Dragons" is an enemy.
Poof, a man of god, bones, mountains, gods, great apes, king kong, raptors …
Fly ash from the big strange disintegration part
So they died first, and three baby officials felt bad and sacrificed immediately. They absorbed the terrible magic sword.
Then the two Yuan Baby Taoist officials were stiff and shattered.
They each have a baby flying out of the abdomen in an instant.
One turns three yuan babies into three directions to escape 3.
Yuan Ying Zhen Jun’s battle is so simple and simple, and it can decide life and death with a single blow!
Blood skeleton reached out and grabbed the two escaped Yuan Ying and was caught by him.
Another Yuan Ying Taoist official, Jiang Jia Taoist official, has the strongest strength. There are so many damn fools in front of him that he is seriously injured and alive.
He immediately flew up and went straight to Daogong.
When you get there, you can protect yourself by banning yourself.
But the blood skeleton smiled and he pinched and caught two yuan babies.
The two Yuan babies immediately screamed as if they were covered in blood.
They smashed thousands of blood shadows, and every blood shadow was like a skull-like monty.
Immortal Qin secret method "Ten Thousand Soul and Thousand Soul Blood Skeleton"
This is the name of the blood skeleton of the war figurine, and the origin is his core constant immortal secret method.
Those blood shadows turned into a blood cloud and swept away.
Thousands of blood shadows, every blood shadow is a blood puppet, a The Hunger.
Once this blood cloud rises, it will be exhausted.
The instant blood cloud chasing the Yuan Baby Taoist Officer is a volume. Although many magic weapons are used in each other’s screams, the meaning is immediately culled, and the number of blood shadow skeletons is added to the blood cloud.
There are blood clouds all over the sky, The Hunger, and they scream all kinds of evil spirits to the limit.
The real blood puppet suddenly pointed at the foot officer.
Several The Hunger dashed straight to Daogong.
Everything everywhere is decaying fly ash.

Yang You, who put Excavate in charge of the Shandong war, was more assured that Excavate’s speed was somewhat slow, not because he could, but because someone was too cunning, but Yang You believed that the matter would have a result soon.

Things in the south are stable, and the little Khan in the north has also arrived abroad. Because Yang You made preparations before, the little Khan did not continue to go south. After all, it is extremely unfavorable to go deep into the south alone, and the little Khan is not a known child, so he did not rashly invade.
The whole of Hebei presented a brief stalemate, and the heavy snow came late at the end of November. The whole land of Hebei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief whether it was Yang You or Li Shimin. Yang You considered that it was a heavy snow in the north, and Little Khan would inevitably choose to retreat. Otherwise, he could guarantee the commissary. Although there is a lot of food in Youzhou, it is easy for Little Khan to benefit from it. If he can’t get food supplements in Youzhou in the south, then his life will probably explain Youzhou.
Yang You decided that little Khan Tully would not stay in Youzhou, or the news that the trotters from Youzhou would retreat with his troops three days after the heavy snow reached Yang You’s ears, which made Yang You need to consider the northern Turks for the time being. He should concentrate on Hebei and drive away Li Shimin.
In Li Shimin, he was also delighted that the roads in Boling County were difficult after the heavy snow. Sui Jun could not attack Boling, so he gave him a breathing space. Now Li Shimin needs help when it is time. He hopes that his father can send troops to help him fight the battle in Hebei, not to mention that losing depression this time is only the importance of Hebei. Li Tang gave up Li Shimin. While waiting for news from his father, Qin Shubao delivered the first batch of food, but this batch of food was enough for 70,000 troops to eat for a month. Li Shimin sent Qin Shubao again to let him deliver more food. Eat less to ensure that Tang soldiers eat for three months, so that they can stay until the spring blossoms. Qin Shubao knew that Li Shimin gave him a very important place. He asked for 3,000 soldiers to escort food. Li Shimin agreed because he didn’t want this batch of food to be flawed. Li Shimin was good at intercepting enemy food. Naturally, he was extra careful about the route of providing food. After Qin Shubao chose the most elite 3,000 soldiers, Li Shimin made a thousand demands. Only then did he watch Qin Shubao leave with 3,000 soldiers-1514229.999999999999
Chapter 50 Great event
When it snowed in Hebei, Chang ‘an was also covered by a piece of white, and the snow was as heavy as goose feathers, turning Chang ‘an into a snowy city.
In a warm corner of Li Jiancheng’s residence, there are four braziers burning, and a smell of tea fills the room. While drinking tea, Li Jiancheng leafs through the Li Daliang and folds it.
Li Daliang has invaded Xiyang County and successfully attracted the attention of Han Shizhen. According to the news, Han Shizhen has led 40,000 troops to invade Xiyang County. Li Jiancheng has an understanding of the deployment of troops in the entire Nanyang Basin. He knows that Han Shizhen’s 40,000 troops to support Xiyang County means that the strength base of Nanyang Basin has been drawn according to Li Jiancheng’s idea. Han Shizhen has a maximum of 7,000 people in Xiangyang, about 5,000 people, and the combined strength of his counties is less than 10,000.
It is obvious that this kind of force can block Wang Shichong’s southern footsteps. Once Wang Shichong takes Nanyang, it can seize Jiangling. For the Tang Dynasty, a strong Wang Shichong is not terrible, because morally speaking, there is not much difference between Wang Zhengting’s court and Li Tang’s court. For the whole day, "anti-thief" is the most terrible.
After the capture of Jiangling, Wang Shichong broke the situation of unifying the south by the anti-Sui Dynasty, and Yang You could have a home, but he couldn’t go back to Li Tang, so he could take the opportunity to recover Longxi and seize Bashu’s granary. At the thought of this, Li Jiancheng couldn’t help but squint his eyes, secretly pleased with himself. It was always a good deal. Li Jiancheng felt that he had been held back by the anti-Sui Dynasty for a long time and finally got out of it.
Li Jiancheng thought about when the eunuch came in and said, "Princess Taipingyang asks for an audience."
"Ah, it’s Xiuning. Invite her in!" Li Jiancheng listen to is big sister visit can’t help but sit up straight and set aside the oil lamp to light up some.
A moment later, Li Xiuning came to the door with two female soldiers, and Li Xiuning ordered them to "this later".
Yangmei palms pressed the handle and nodded, "Princess, rest assured."
Li Xiuning just visible followed the eunuch into the room and saw the eldest brother Li Jiancheng’s room burning with an oil lamp. It was not one leng.
Li Jiancheng got up and smiled and took two steps. "Xiuning, come and sit here!"
Li Xiuning a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the eldest brother with a hint of doubt, but didn’t say it. Li Jiancheng seemed to have guessed her mind with a wry smile. "In recent years, Datang has repeatedly fought in the national treasury, relying on the charity of the family and the people to be born."
"At the beginning of the year, Zhao Cijing was captured by the King of Qi, and hundreds of thousands of stones of grain and money were taken away by the Emperor of Sui. If you are not frugal, I am afraid that Datang will be difficult to support!" Li Jiancheng said that his face was a little worried. He didn’t know that the consumption of firewood and rice was too amazing in Datang over the years. Even though he made great efforts to encourage farming, his income and expenditure could not be balanced.
Li Xiuning stared at the eldest brother and saw that he had some white hair on his temples. He couldn’t help sighing, "Eldest brother has worked hard for you. I hate that a daughter can’t share her worries!"
Li Jiancheng shook his head. "Xiu Ning, do you and I still need to say these pleasantries? It’s a pity that I didn’t do my best to worry you. "
Li Xiuning had a weak smile on her face. She had something to ask her eldest brother today, so she always felt a little bad. Li Xiuning didn’t speak yet. Li Jiancheng suddenly asked, "Xiuning, did you come to see me for something important?"
Li Xiuning was told by his eldest brother and nodded and asked, "I always feel a little wrong with eldest brother Sichang going out with the army."
Li Xiuning thought for a moment and nodded, "So good!"
Two people out of the room with QinBing walked out, Wang Xinjun coldly looking at Li Jiancheng far away figure shake shake body snow cold hum a slowly paced out.
Li Jiancheng and Li Xiuning went all the way to the palace in a carriage. Li Jiancheng said that the current situation was full of optimism, but Li Xiuning frowned tightly and seemed to be thinking about something. Soon the carriage arrived at the palace, and Li Jiancheng helped his sister to ride the car. The two of them walked in tandem towards Li Yuanfang, and Qinbing was three steps behind them.
Yang Mei carefully observed the palace. She was here before, but she dared not say that she was familiar with it. There were at least some impressions that the palace had not changed much. Things have changed. It was the young man who always smiled when he lived here, the young man who taught himself to write with his own hands, and the young man who made himself unforgettable for a long time. Now the owner of this big palace is a bad old man, a lewd old man who is said to spend a lot of time drinking.
I don’t know if I can see that young man in my lifetime. Can he still hold his hand and write beautiful characters on yellowish paper? Maybe not. After all, he is a tall emperor and I am a humble person. I can just think about it! Yangmei thought it was almost time to get to Tang gaozu’s room.
Li Jiancheng and Li Xiuning ordered QinBing to stop outside the room and wait on them. Just near the room, they heard Tang Yuanxiao’s two brothers and sisters walking towards Tang Yuanxiao’s room.
"Bang bang bang!" Li Jiancheng knocked at the door. "Father is me!"
"Come in when you are finished!" Li Yuan-yin is full of joy as if there were any happy events.

When the demon monk got the news, he quickly called a group of thugs to the deck sentry box.

I almost didn’t wake up. Did you see that a tornado blew from somewhere and swept away the weapons and clothes in the hands of a group of people, and finally slammed into the sea?
Before the demon monk could react, there came a strong force inexplicably, as if a pair of hands had lifted him up and thumped him into the sea.
After a while, more than 20 people on the Kung Fu deck went into the sea and became soup.
That tornado was wrapped in bursts of air billow, which was called fierceness, and it went down the deck steps to the first floor.
Let’s have some gunmen with ak47!
When the tornado hit the volume and the guns flew out immediately, a few people were dumbfounded. At that moment, Bai Winter Frost suddenly appeared in human form, and those people twisted up the yangko and fell to the ground with one punch and two punches.
When Pi two dog and his party killed Bai Dongshuang, they put down hundreds of slappers in the cabin.
Even the guess-and-pull king was hanged, accompanied by four guess-and-pull kings, four donkey kong, two Yokozuna-level sumo wrestlers and seven stunning girls.
One of the most attractive ones is Taiguo actress Pichaya and Namondiva.
When Pi two dog saw that Pi Chaya had found it, he suddenly relaxed and said, "Ah Wu, will you ask too much Mandarin to guess where Wang Zhu’s boss is?"
Ah Wu went to King Gueba and talked for a long time. After a while, Ah Wu turned around and reported, "The boss Gueba Wang said that he let Zhu’s family go. You have to release the conditions including Gueba Wang Ren!"
"You ask him who the actress Pichaya belongs to?" Pi Chaya and Zhu are licensed couples, and Pi two dog is sure to take her back to Zhu.
After a while, Ah Wu looked back and said, "The boss guessed that King Ba said that Pichaya was his woman. He asked you if you could exchange his two women for Pichaya?"
"What a mess? Pichaya’s husband is Zhu, and others are legal couples. How can this be changed?" Pi two dog’s voice did not fall. Suddenly, the Yokozuna-class sumo wrestlers himself loosened his tie and slammed into Pi two dog.
"Boss, be careful!" Passing 18-wheeler, Tian Huili Xiang suddenly stood up and lifted sumo wrestlers to the top and flew out. The whole ship creaked and shook violently with a loud bang.
The sumo wrestlers floor twitched. Tian Huili Xiang went forward and stretched out his hand to wring the head directly. See the fountain, and the blood spurted more than one meter away.
"God, boss, I didn’t know I killed someone with such a strong hand?" Tian Huili Xiang turned pale when he saw it.
"pear fragrance this person is looking for death by himself!" Said the skin two dog several ghosting even flash iron claw lock guess pull out the king’s throat guess pull out the king died after dying.
When the demon monk saw that King Guess was dead, he was so scared that his face changed into a rush that he said, "The big boss Zhu’s family is fine. The bottom cabin! I lead the way, I lead the way! "
"Ah Wu Dong Shuang Jie, you two take him!"
The two men promised to bet on the demon monk’s bottom cabin.
"Boss, these people are guessing how to deal with Wang Jiubu?" Talking is pear fragrance. She just accidentally reimbursed a sumo wrestlers because of her heavy hand.
"This country is friendly to China, so it’s not good to get too much blood. In my opinion, just dismiss them!"
"Boss, we’ll go back to China in a few days after handling this matter. In case these people set up another hill and find Zhu again, there will be a headache!" Tian Huili is fragrant with one head and two avenues.
"Well, what you said is reasonable! Then what do you suggest is better? "
"It’s still the same as the sand. These big men are guessing that the ministers around the king must have their own magical powers and then ask Ah Wu to take charge of them!" Pear sweet advice way
"Well, that’s a good idea!"
See two dog agreed to her plan Tian Huili Xiang talked with that sumo wrestlers in Sakura Mandarin.
The sumo wrestlers kept nodding and roughly asked the identity of these people. She twisted her waist and came to a bald man and asked, "I heard that you are the most trusted person to guess and pull out the king? Your name is Chapeng Bird? "
"Yes, I’m Chapeng Bird. I want the boss to spare my life. I know. Guess which one is Wang Jinku? Guess there are ten billion gold bricks in the king’s hidden dollar bills! Besides, he has ten villas in Gucheng, and two big villas in Millikan Newtown! Swiss banks have a lot of money! " Chapeng bird watched Pi two dog way
Pi two dog saw Chapeng bird saying it was Chinese Mandarin, and he was the son of the former saying, "Chapeng bird, do you know the vault? I want you to be sincere and sincere. You are my allies! " These people are all members of the world. Such people as two dog will not bring their own crimes because they lead the country.
He is a serious businessman. His biggest goal is to make money and benefit the villagers in Da Nai Village. He is not stupid enough to mix with these people from all over the world.
"The big boss’s vault key has a safe and three women’s hands!" Check Peng bird know life to keep immediately big way
Chapter 779 Willow girl vanity
It didn’t take long to get all the keys to the vault. Guess Wang, several women knew that the tide was gone and cooperated with Pi two dog to hand over the password and fingerprint voluntarily. The vault had been played.
Looking at the high-rise US dollar wall, two dog has produced epidemic power. In addition to the billion-dollar wall, there are two billion-dollar coins. two dog informed Gongye Xianxiang to hand over the two billion-dollar coins to the country. two dog himself took them away and prepared to donate them to the west to build roads.
From then on, guess the king’s team was handed over to Ah Wu and the Pi two dog League team continued to be stationed in Gucheng.
This team was quickly washed away by Pi two dog, who used to kill and set fire to become a serious business team.
This team is mainly engaged in Pi two dog Banner anti-sky smoke and anti-sky wine.
Chinese businessman Zhu’s family and actress Pi Chaya returned to Zhu’s side with many departments, and Zhu was grateful to Pi two dog for a family reunion.
Seeing with one’s own eyes the terrorist strength of Pi two dog, when Zhu was excited, he signed an agreement with Pi two dog to go against the fate of two million Jin of vegetables and goods.
This time, the Emerald Kingdom and Taiguo Hangpi two dog successfully completed the handover of the country, which not only eliminated the giant demon Akun army and the valve forces, but also helped the hardworking and brave beauty tribe to see the light of day. Moreover, Gucheng destroyed the evil forces of Gueba Wang’s first place, Jia Akun and Wu Shengnu left property totaling tens of billions of Pipi in Chinese currency, and two dog intercepted some of them and handed them over to the country.
On the first day of May, Pi Er Gou took Tian Huili Xiang, Du Wen, including two maids, and Wu Sheng Nujia’s ten families back to the imperial city of China by special plane.
Because of Pi two dog’s outstanding contribution, he was secretly received by Luo Wuzong, the grand leader of the Imperial Capital.
It is a state secret that Pi two dog’s overseas beheading operation is not allowed to report on the explosion. There are a few journalists who know about it